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Cepheid: GeneXpert Point of Care Panels

Point of Care Molecular Testing via SNP PCR: TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for RapidMolecular Testing on the Cepheid GeneXpert System: FII & FV Study



Cepheid: GeneXpert Point of Care Panels

Point of Care Molecular Testing via SNP PCR: TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for RapidMolecular Testing on the Cepheid GeneXpert System: FII & FV Study



Illumina Infinium Microarrays: MethylationEPIC Array

Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for EWAS: Demonstration of the Illumina Infinium  Methylation EPIC Array for  DNA Methylation Profiling and CpG Island Assessments



Illumina Infinium Microarrays: MethylationEPIC Array

Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for EWAS: Demonstration of the Illumina Infinium  Methylation EPIC Array for  DNA Methylation Profiling and CpG Island Assessments



Next Generation Carrier Screening on ThermoFisher Ion Torrent with TAP

Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Expanded Carrier Screening via Next Generation Sequencing on the ThermoFisher Ion Torrent CarrierSeq Platform.



Next Generation Carrier Screening on ThermoFisher Ion Torrent with TAP

Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Expanded Carrier Screening via Next Generation Sequencing on the ThermoFisher Ion Torrent CarrierSeq Platform.



TAP® Empowers High-Quality Genome Studies with Illumina Infinium CytoSNP-850K Array

Use of the TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device with the Illumina Infinium CytoSNP-850K Array: Feasibility for Cytogenetics and Genome-Wide Association Studies.



TAP Empowers High-Quality Genome Studies with Illumina Infinium CytoSNP-850K Array

Use of the TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device with the Illumina Infinium CytoSNP-850K Array: Feasibility for Cytogenetics and Genome-Wide Association Studies.



TAP® + Illumina NGS Platform enables High Quality Whole Exome Sequencing

Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for High-Quality Germline Whole Exome Sequencing on Illumina NGS Platforms with the Twist Bioscience Human Core WES Kit



TAP + Illumina NGS Platform enables High Quality Whole Exome Sequencing

Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for High-Quality Germline Whole Exome Sequencing on Illumina NGS Platforms with the Twist Bioscience Human Core WES Kit



Enable remote access multiomics with just one TAP®

Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Targeted Proteomics with the Olink Target 96 Cardiovascular II Panel Using Proximity Extension Assay Technology.



Enable remote access multiomics with just one TAP

Use of TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Targeted Proteomics with the Olink Target 96 Cardiovascular II Panel Using Proximity Extension Assay Technology.



TAP® technology shows promise for early, precise Alzheimer's monitoring via biomarkers

Use of the TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Biomarker Assessments on the Quanterix Simoa HD-X Platform: Initial Feasibility for Plasma Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease Detection.



TAP® technology shows promise for early, precise Alzheimer's monitoring via biomarkers

Use of the TAP Point of Care Blood Collection Device for Biomarker Assessments on the Quanterix Simoa HD-X Platform: Initial Feasibility for Plasma Biomarkers in Alzheimer’s Disease Detection.



How YourBio Health Came To Be:
The Evolution of the TAP® Device

By: Jessica Wakefield and Ping Gong

TAP® II devices, involves collecting a small blood samples that improves the patient experience, because it’s easier to use than other self-sampling devices.

TAP Micro Side View_reflection


How YourBio Health Came To Be:
The Evolution of the TAP® Device

By: Jessica Wakefield and Ping Gong

TAP® II devices, involves collecting a small blood samples that improves the patient experience, because it’s easier to use than other self-sampling devices.


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